Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to blogging: Newborn Benji

So Mitch's aunt Amy asked me if I've given up blogging...and even though I don't think I have, I haven't been posting anything, at all. So I am going to make an effort to share more of our lives on our blog! Here are some pics of Benji, 1-4 days old. Its amazing how much of a normal little baby he looked already. He didn't have that wierd alien look lots of newborns get, maybe due to the fact that his head DID NOT mold AT ALL! 

As our pregnancy with this new little guy gets closer to its end, I have been thinking about what this delivery will be like, and what the recovery will be like, will it be a completely new experience? Or by some awful coincidence will this baby end up stuck in the NICU too? I want to try to make nursing work with him but I also know that I will not try to push it if things are too hectic. Breastmilk is the absolute best thing out there for a baby, but formula does not harm them. I was afraid to give my baby formula last time around because I thought I would be hurting him somehow, I now know from experience that those thoughts were full of bull. I have one perfectly healthy, happy, and very energized little boy to prove it.