Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Arrgh! Finals!
So now Mitch is working full time for SeekMobileInteractive, doing apps for the Iphone and planning a video game for it with his uncle Jeff and they are doing really well. I am working part time for TSA and it's pretty fun and I am really enjoying a little down time before the next semester of school. I am going to be going back full time and mitch will be taking two classes.
Mitch and I are getting sealed together in just a week and a half! It's crazy. I don't think I've really mentally prepared very much for it, life has been too crazy, but we are very excited.
Friday, September 19, 2008
My Cakes so far
It's about time for an update isn't it?
So Mitch and I are busier than we have ever been in either of our lives. He is taking five classes and working for two companies, on very little pay or on equity in the company, who are trying to get investor money for their video games. The promising of the two is SeekMobile Interactive, which is making a video game for the Iphone. Oem is moving very quickly with their investors and we hope to have him working for money within a month or so.
I am working for the Post office for one more week and then it's on to TSA to be a Security Officer. The federal benefits are awesome. Health insurance here we come! I get sworn in as a federal employee on Sep. 29th. I am also taking 4 classes and one other class where I do 8 hours of internship a week. I intern with Tooele City Police department and I am having a blast there.
The house is coming along awesomely and my dad is doing amazing work for having a full time job and coming home and doing construction all by himself. Mitch and I owe him more than we can ever repay.
We are also going to Arizona next week after classes and between leaving my job and starting the new one. We are sooo excited to go see Lee and Jana and our neice and nephew. We miss them a lot.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Eternal Marriage
Anyway, we are still in the process of finding mitch a self sustaining, weekday only, part time job for school this next year which is coming up quickly. I am almost through the process with TSA and they should be contacting me soon about when I will do training and such, so I am very excited about that. Yay!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Oregon Trip 2008
So after we get six shad, thats how many we need, we move the boat downstream a bit and my uncle hooks one of these huge shad to a hook and ties the string around it and throws it in! Mitch was astonished. He thought my uncle was going to cut these fish up and use a peice of them for bait, lol. So I have my pole and I've been in for about 10 min when I get a bite. My dad steps in to help me set the hook and then I began my fight with the monster. I reeled every little bit of that fish in to the boat. It took half an hour and mitch helped me lift the pole every few seconds so that I could reel again as I let the pole drop. This fish would let me reel him in a little, mind you, I had to do it very quickly, before he took a bunch of line with him. I probably lost a little more than I gained there for a little while. It was honestly one of THE most EXHAUSTING things I have ever done in my life!!! I finally brought it up to the boat and Buck stuck his hand into its mouth (It has no teeth) and pulled it a little up out of the water so we could get pictures of it. He said it was between 7-8 feet long and weighed about 200-300 pounds. Can you imagine how that hurt my poor little arms?!? Haha. It did. Alot.
After I caught mine and we set it back into the water (It has to be between 4 to 6 feet to take home) my dad used my pole and hooked another. This one was really big! Mitch and Jeff stepped in to help after a few minutes and the three of them fought that sucker for an hour and fifteen minutes, in which they got it close twice and it surfaced (after surfacing it dove and took line with a hell like fury). My uncle estimated it to be 9-10 feet and 400-500 pounds. They gave up the fight and layed around completely wasted from the exertion. Ha, it was A LOT of fun!
After that day we (Dad&Mom, Jeff, and Mitch and I) rented a van and drove up to Seaside, which is in Northern Oregon on the coast. We did alot of stuff in our week there, including visiting a small aquarium with seals, hiking and finding some sea lions in the wild, beachcombing, visiting the cheese factory, and eating at Mos famous seafood.
Here are some pics
Thursday, July 10, 2008
-We are debt free, as of June, and are currently saving our three to six months of expenses emergency fund.
-Jeff, Jana, Mitch, and I threw a surprise party for my parents for their 25th anniversary. It was great. Lots of people showed up and my parents were in awe. We did a slideshow of them, with music, a cake, and appetizers.
-Our trip to Oregon was very fun, I caught a seven and a half foot fish, and we saw sea lions in the wild on a hike.
-We went to the bishop and started the process of getting ready to be sealed in the temple. We were incredibly happy before but are even happier now as we feel the Lord in our lives more these days.
-Mitch's job sounds as though it may take off in a matter of weeks. (Please pray for this one with us!)
-Mitch has been going to school continously and is doing wonderfully, he's only three semesters away from his Associate's and his transfer to UVU. I am starting in a few weeks, full time, at Weber to finish for my bachelors.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
It has been forever!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saying No to myself
Things I/We have given up or put on the waiting list in my/our dedication to our TMMO include;
a PS3 (We had specific money coming in for this, in full, but decided to put it towards our EF)
Lost game for PS3
Various movies on BlueRay
A two night anniversary trip to Park City
So many Restaraunts/Fast Food
So many impulse buys for kitchen goods from Walmart, Target, and Bed, Bath, & Beyond
A new bed frame/mattresses & sheet sets
A camping trip to somewhere nice
New shoes
A dress
Every cake decorating accessory under the sun
Gifts for people
Various video games mitch would love to have
Flying or even driving to see my sister and her kids at least once a month or once every two months... (This one is really hard not to do when I see the money we've built up)
When I want something, I have to tell myself "NO!" and "Live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else."
Friday, April 25, 2008
My First Character Cake!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I've Been Tagged...
5 Years Ago:
5. weekly check comes so I will do some weekly budgeting and cash distribution to envelopes
5. Ice cream
3. Biting my lips and cheeks
5. Still waiting to fill this space...Oh wait! I had a job for a week as a Telemarketer for Trendwest
2. Brittney
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Total Money Makeover
Okay so this is our first post about our Total Money Makeover. If you have never heard of TMM or Dave Ramsey, then you are truly missing out. Dave has developed a process that is composed of very simple steps that anyone can do towards being financially healthy and getting more out of your money. The steps are simple, the short lifestyle to getting there is tough, but well worth it. "Live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else." The steps are very easy to understand; 1-Build a $1,000 Emergency Fund. 2-Pay all debts as quickly as you can, starting with the smallest and finishing with the biggest, if you have to work two jobs or sell stuff to do it, you do it! 3-Finish the Emergency Fund with 3-6 months of expenses. 4-Retirement Investment. 5-College funds for children. 6-Pay off mortgage early.
We are currently on the last part of Baby Step 1, which is saving a $1,000 Emergency Fund into a liquid account. We opened an account with INGDirect, who gives $25 to anyone who is referred to their savings accounts, and $10 for every person you referred. So if you are intersted in opening one, please email me and I will refer you.
We expect to be done with Step 1 in May, (we currently have 432.00 and by the end of this month will add $300 more, we are going for as fast as we can!!) and have our debts paid off in June. August is our date for having our full EF saved. Things will be a lot different if Mitch gets the GivePlay full time schedule in June, which we are crossing our fingers for. Please pray for us! I have also applied for a higher paying job with benefits (We desperately need someone to give us health insurance benefits, I'm getting panicky with what if's! lol) at WCF and hope to get that job. So yeah, we need the prayers.
Anyway, thats what we have done so far. I will keep you posted on our process, so that if you are intrigued, maybe our experiences can help you decide you want to read the book.
Japanese class for me has been a little overwhelming, but I have learned a lot. I cannot speak or understand practically anything, but I can read and write the hiragana and katakana characters. So that means if it is written in the basic characters, I can pronounce the word, but that sure doesn't mean I can tell you what the word is!
Cake decorating class was postponed until this week so I haven't yet had the chance to go. Mom and I will be going tomorrow night and I can't wait! I will post pictures if I get to do anything remotely cool in the class on the first day.
We sold our car yesterday, our blue Altima, after listing it just two hours or so beforehand. We got a nice $700 for it so that will pay for our new car before parts. We are pretty excited about that.
Oh and I forgot! Mitch and I have started a Total Money Makeover. It's already been a blessing for us and we are excited to be smart with money. I will make another post dedicated to that.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Projects are fun!
I went shopping today with a friend who is getting married soon. We visited Roberts and some place called the Hobby-Lobby. Man the stuff in there got me all excited to do lots of projects and get my home all decorated... Only one problem there! I don't really have a house at the moment, or any money for that matter! Oh well. Soon enough eh?
So that is my life. Interesting eh? No? Okay then.
EDIT: I couldn't quite wait for my class to start on Thursday so I made a cake for Brittney, the friend of mine who is getting married soon with a daisy on it (Her flower) and petals in her colors. So yeah...here it is. With practice I will be able to do some awesome stuff!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Starting out...
As you probably all know, Mitch and I got married on April 27th, 2007. It was an amazing and wonderful day and we owe those facts to so many of you. Thank you so much. You made our day so very special, and we will never forget your love and kindness. Especially you;
Moms; Lori and Juli, and Dads; Tim and Folau. And our sisters and brothers; Jana & Lee, my big sister and her husband, Madelyn, their daughter (our little flower girl), Brian, Mitch's big brother, Nate and Cole, Mitch's younger brother and Nate's girlfriend/pretty much wife ;) , Nick and Liberty, Mitch's sister and her very nearly husband (June 28th, 2008), Andrew, Jeff, and Ally, Mitch's youngest brother and my younger brother and sister. Hopefully someday soon you all will have blogs as well, :) .
That pretty much sums up our family. We have one new addition, Caden, who is my sister Jana's second child, and first son.
Jana and Lee live in Maricopa, Arizona. It is a city, not the county. Their kids; Maddy and Caden are our little cuties, though they are not OUR children. :D We get the best parts of kids and then hand them off when the bad parts come. We adore them and miss them a lot. We have a constant prayer that Lee will somehow get a perfect job up here in Utah someday in the near future.
The rest of our siblings live here in Utah, all within the Salt Lake and Tooele Valley, which is very nice. Liberty and Nick almost moved to San Fran and we are SO GLAD that they didn't. Having one sister and brother so far away is hard enough.
Let's see... I will post pictures soon of our wedding and honeymoon and whatever else I can think of that anyone would like to see. I guess thats it for now..