Okay so this is our first post about our Total Money Makeover. If you have never heard of TMM or Dave Ramsey, then you are truly missing out. Dave has developed a process that is composed of very simple steps that anyone can do towards being financially healthy and getting more out of your money. The steps are simple, the short lifestyle to getting there is tough, but well worth it. "Live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else." The steps are very easy to understand; 1-Build a $1,000 Emergency Fund. 2-Pay all debts as quickly as you can, starting with the smallest and finishing with the biggest, if you have to work two jobs or sell stuff to do it, you do it! 3-Finish the Emergency Fund with 3-6 months of expenses. 4-Retirement Investment. 5-College funds for children. 6-Pay off mortgage early.
We are currently on the last part of Baby Step 1, which is saving a $1,000 Emergency Fund into a liquid account. We opened an account with INGDirect, who gives $25 to anyone who is referred to their savings accounts, and $10 for every person you referred. So if you are intersted in opening one, please email me and I will refer you.
We expect to be done with Step 1 in May, (we currently have 432.00 and by the end of this month will add $300 more, we are going for as fast as we can!!) and have our debts paid off in June. August is our date for having our full EF saved. Things will be a lot different if Mitch gets the GivePlay full time schedule in June, which we are crossing our fingers for. Please pray for us! I have also applied for a higher paying job with benefits (We desperately need someone to give us health insurance benefits, I'm getting panicky with what if's! lol) at WCF and hope to get that job. So yeah, we need the prayers.
Anyway, thats what we have done so far. I will keep you posted on our process, so that if you are intrigued, maybe our experiences can help you decide you want to read the book.
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