Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Arrgh! Finals!

So we were very busy these last few weeks. Finals just about killed us. Mitch was really worried about his math class because he wasn't doing as well as he'd hoped on most of his tests but we're happy to report he found out his grade for the class and its a C!!! Yay!
So now Mitch is working full time for SeekMobileInteractive, doing apps for the Iphone and planning a video game for it with his uncle Jeff and they are doing really well. I am working part time for TSA and it's pretty fun and I am really enjoying a little down time before the next semester of school. I am going to be going back full time and mitch will be taking two classes.
Mitch and I are getting sealed together in just a week and a half! It's crazy. I don't think I've really mentally prepared very much for it, life has been too crazy, but we are very excited.

1 comment:

The Reimers Family said...

Glad to know that you're alive and well! Good luck with school and Merry Christmas!