Thursday, July 10, 2008


Okay so lots of things have happened in our little two person family that are pretty cool.

-We are debt free, as of June, and are currently saving our three to six months of expenses emergency fund.

-Jeff, Jana, Mitch, and I threw a surprise party for my parents for their 25th anniversary. It was great. Lots of people showed up and my parents were in awe. We did a slideshow of them, with music, a cake, and appetizers.

-Our trip to Oregon was very fun, I caught a seven and a half foot fish, and we saw sea lions in the wild on a hike.

-We went to the bishop and started the process of getting ready to be sealed in the temple. We were incredibly happy before but are even happier now as we feel the Lord in our lives more these days.

-Mitch's job sounds as though it may take off in a matter of weeks. (Please pray for this one with us!)

-Mitch has been going to school continously and is doing wonderfully, he's only three semesters away from his Associate's and his transfer to UVU. I am starting in a few weeks, full time, at Weber to finish for my bachelors.


The Reimers Family said...

I am so happy for you two! It's so nice to know that you're sealed to someone you love so much!

Leeann said...

Come get your kid. She's 5 now. It's time. :)